Title: Project Management Considerations for AI projects
What challenges are specific to AI projects? How can they be addressed?
Empirical study based on interviews and/or surveys with practitioners, contribution to IS Project Management literature.
Title: Value-sensitive design of AI applications/services
How can we elicit citizens´ values and concerns about AI? How can we use this knowledge about citizens in the design process?
Design Research Study contributing to Human-Centered AI literature
Title: Responsible AI (RAI) in Practice
Analyse practitioners´ perceptions on responsible AI and how they are applied in practice (e.g., focus on transparency, fairness, accountability)
Frameworks and the roles of different stakeholders for responsible AI
Examine the role of organizational culture in adopting/developing RAI solutions/services
Empirical studies based on interviews and/or surveys with practitioners, contribution to RAI
Title: AI based Digital Transformation of Tax Services
Key organisational and technical requirements?
Impact on the whole organisation? organisation-wide transformation
How to organize for continuous AI based improvements?
Empirical study based on interviews with practitioners, contribution to Digital Transformation literature.
Title: Transparency in AI/human interactions
What happens when humans use AI in their working environments? How do workers use it or how could they use it? What kind of information do workers need?
Empirical study based on interviews with practitioners, contributing to human/AI partnerships literature
Title: Experience economy in digital worlds/metaverses
What is the role of new technologies in shaping/transforming the experience economy in the digital age? Explore various value propositions that digital technologies contribute to the transformation of the experience economy. Focus can be given to metaverses and virtual worlds.
Title: Business and Operational Models for Data Marketplaces
Examine business models for the operation of a marketplace, including information about the entities that operate the marketplace, as well as of the models for creating value through the data marketplace. Empirical study based on interviews and/or surveys.